- 1Papers of the Anti-Smoking Charity QUIT (QUIT)
1947 - 1991, fonds - 2Photo album (QUIT/11)
1981 - 1988, item - 3File of correspondence (QUIT/04)
1962, file - 4File relating to National Don't Smoke Day (QUIT/09)
1978 - 1980, file - 5Folder of committee minutes relating to Don't Smoke Day (QUIT/08)
1978, file - 6Minute book (QUIT/01)
1947 - 1986, item - 7Scrapbook of material relating to anti-smoking campaigns (QUIT/02)
1955 - 1965, item - 8Scrapbook of material relating to anti-smoking campaigns (QUIT/05)
1969 - 1976, item - 9Minutes of the Sixty-Seventh Annual General Meeting (QUIT/19)
21st July 1993, item - 10Material relating to National Don't Smoke Day (QUIT/06)
1976 - 1979, file - 11QUITLINE staff information booklet (QUIT/15)
1983 - 2018, item - 12Copy of page from British Medical Journal (QUIT/03)
1959 - 2009, item - 13Timeline of anti-smoking activity (QUIT/17)
1987, item - 14Agenda of Annual General Meeting (QUIT/12)
1982, item - 15Boxes of literature (QUIT/20)
1956 - 2009, series