- 1Collection of Offshore Engineering Documents (MS/2213)
1992 - 2006, fonds - 2File entitled P. Stone Piping F SPO Stress Data File 1' (MS/2213/01)
1995 - 2002, file - 3Folder entitled 'P Stone Bolting File 2 Tension/Torque Loads' (MS/2213/02)
1998 - 2066, file - 4File entitled 'Bonga Flange Loading' (MS/2213/03)
1983 - 2001, file - 5Folder of documents relating piping for offshore facilities (MS/2213/04)
1998 - 2003, file - 6Folder of technical drawings relating to offshore facilities (MS/2213/05)
1991 - 2001, file - 7Photographs (MS/2213/06)
c1992, file - 8Folder of business cards (MS/2213/08)
1992 - 2006, file