- 1Transcript for presentation for the Institute of Grocery Distribution by Alex Avery (MS/2146/01/01)
2007 - 07 - 04, item - 2Guardian article "The man with the worst job in Britain" (MS/2146/01/02)
1999 -02-21, item - 3Cropgen monthly report in support of biotech (MS/2146/01/03)
2003 - 01/02, item - 4Alan Malcolm "Mechanism" (MS/2146/01/04)
2000, item - 5Leaflets and booklets relating to associations and envrionmental groups with an interest in GM crops (MS/2146/01/05)
1995 - 2007, item - 6Leaflets from various food shops regarding their stance on GM produce (MS/2146/01/06)
1995 - 1998 -03 -18, item - 7Typescript of analysis papers published by Cabinet Office on field work and the pros and cons of GM crops (MS/2146/01/07)
2003, item - 8American Soybean Association: dispersing the myths (MS/2146/01/08)
2005, item - 9Policy Ethics and Life Sciences Research Institute - People's report on GM (MS/2146/01/09)
2003, item - 10Nestlé and Biotechnology PR booklet (MS/2146/01/10)
1996, item - 11Food and Drink Federation annual review including papers on GM initiatives for the future (MS/2146/01/11)
2002, item - 12Conference papers and documentation from GM foods in Amsterdam (MS/2146/01/12)
1996 and 1999, item - 13Pamphlet on European views on agricultural biotechnology "An overview and public opinion" (MS/2146/01/13)
2002/2003, item - 14Ceremonial brochure from the Xpose awards sponsored by Friends of the Earth at the 2004 Labour Party conference (MS/2146/01/14)
2004, item - 15"Genetic Modification - The Issues" (MS/2146/01/15)
2004-09, item