- 1Chemical hazard sign (YA1987.240/MS0459)
c 1985, item - 2Transmission and Distribution - GEC Power Engineering (YA1996.1735/MS0531/139)
undated (20th century), item - 3Layout of Works at Trafford Park (YA1996.2533)
February 1980, item - 4Advertising Material and Catalogues for Machinery and Industrial Processes (YA1996.3234)
1900-1976, fonds - 5Collection of Dye Sample Cards and Publications (YA1997.48)
1887-1997, fonds - 6Collection of business records for Hardman and Holden Ltd (YA2010.72)
1916 - 1998, fonds - 7Documents relating to textile production and photographs of the Planet locomotive (YMS0509)
c1917-1970, fonds - 8Glass plate negatives of LM & S Chemical labs and technical literature (YMS0512)
c1880-1940, fonds