- 1Collection of engineering drawings of early petrol car engines developed by Major Frederic Strickland (STR)
c. 1900-1920, fonds - 2Engine drawings (STR/A)
c. 1900-1920, series - 3Car and car part drawings (STR/B)
c. 1900-1920, series - 4Drawings relating to specific projects (STR/C)
c. 1900-1920, series - 5Drawings produced for ‘Manual of Petrol Cars’ publication (STR/E)
c. 1900-1920, series - 6Drawings for steam launches (STR/F)
c. 1900-1920, series - 7Drawings for cars produced by other manufactures (STR/G)
c. 1900-1920, series - 8Drawing for works on Twickenham Road (possibly Teddington) (STR/I)
c. 1900-1920, item - 9Unidentified drawings (STR/J)
c. 1900-1920, series - 10General Arrangement Drawings (STR/A/1)
c. 1900-1920, file - 11Crank Shaft and Chamber Drawings (STR/A/2)
c. 1900-1920, file - 12Carburettor Drawings (STR/A/3)
c. 1900-1920, file - 13Cylinder and Piston Drawings (STR/A/4)
c. 1900-1920, file - 14Magneto Ignition Drawings (STR/A/5)
c. 1900-1920, file - 15General Arrangement and Frame Drawings (STR/B/1)
c. 1900-1920, file