- 1"Immune system fear over altered potato" (MS/2141/03/02)
13th August 1998, item - 2"GM super-weed fears 'unfounded'" (MS/2141/03/03)
15th february 2001, item - 3"Cracking the mysterious code that makes every human being special" (MS/2141/03/04)
15th february 2001, item - 4"Genetic food is safe to eat, say scientists" (MS/2141/03/05)
16th February 1999, item - 5"Calls to ban genetic food are rejected" (MS/2141/03/06)
11th August 1998, item - 6"Princess calls for open mind on GM" (MS/2141/03/13)
7th Septmeber 2000, item - 7"Scientists crack the genetic code for rice" (MS/2141/03/14)
27th January 2001, item - 8"The moral maze over GM crops" (MS/2141/03/27)
10th March 2004, item - 9"Whitehall adviser attacks Charles" (MS/2141/03/29)
12th June 2000, item - 10"Plant pest experts support GM crops" (MS/2141/03/32)
26th July 1999, item - 11From Roger Highfield at The Daily Telegraph regarding a draft of an article Trewavas was involved with (MS/2152/01/11)
4th September 1995, item